Scientific activities and animations
Research Committees
- Reviewer for the French Research Taxes Wiving and Innovative Young Research Companies programs since 2010
- Member of a French (AERES) lab. committee - 12/2013
- Reviewer for the European Science Foundation (ESF)
- Reviewer for the French Research Agency (ANR)
- Reviewer for the Fonds National de la Recherche (FNRS, Belgium)
- Reviewer for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF, Austria)
- Reviewer for the French Evaluation-orientation de la COopération Scientifique (ECOS Nord, France) - 07/2012
- Reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) - NWO-DFG Cooperation - 07/2011
Conferences and Steering Committees member
- Member of the Steering Committee of the MODELS series of conferences since 2008
- Member of the Editorial Board of the Springer Journal SoSYM (Software and System Modeling)
- SysML days
- Neptune'2011
- Co-organizer of the 1st workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and CLoud computing (MDHPCL).
- Transaction on Aspect-Oriented Software Development journal
- Journal of Systems and Software
- Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution
- Program Committee Member of the conferences (see below for previous ones): MODELS'2013 (Program Board), SDL'2013, ANT'2013, CMA@RE'2013, ICECCS'2013, SD4RCES'2013, CMA@MODELS'2013, CMA@RE'2013, MDHPCL'2013, ModBE'2013, ModRE'2013, AFADL'2014', MoDRE'2014', QUATIC'2014', RCIS'2014', INFORSID'2014', SAM'2014', ECMFA'2014', and SAC'2014' (RE-Track).
Seminars and talks
- Workshop presentation at Mc Gill University, Bellairs Center, February 9th, 2013
- Invited talk at Bureau Veritas, November 27th, 2012
- Co-organizer of the 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Engineering for High Performance and CLoud computing (MDHPCL), October 2nd, 2012
- Co-organizer of the SysML-France Days, November 13th, 2012
- Co-organizer of the MDE4NAS'2012 workshop (Model-Driven Engineering for Networked Ambient Systems).
- Keynote speaker at MICS'2010.
- Panelist at UML & Formal Methods Workshop, Neptune 2009 days, MODELS'2012 Educational Symposium, HCSE 2012.
Past activities
Conferences and Steering Committees member
- Co-organizer of the workshop on UML&AADL'2009.
- Co-Chair of the ACM/IEEE conference MODELS'2008.
- Organizer of the 1st IEEE workshop on the UML and Formal Methods UML&FM'2008.
- Organizer of the first workshop on quality of service in component based engineering (QoS in CBSE) at the RST'03 conference (I also participated in the organization of the following issue of this workshop: NfC'04).
- Publicity Chair (Europe) for the UML series conferences from 1999 to 2003.
- Workshop Chair at OOIS'2002 and for MODELS'2005 (see LNCS).
- Co-organiser of workshops on the UML semantics at ECOOP'2000 and OOPSLA'2000
- Publicity Chair for the UML workshop at OOPSLA'99
- Steering Committee member of the pUML group on the formalization of the UML semantics.
- Member of the committee of the following journals special issues: L'Objet ("Object Modelling with UML", vol. 7, 2001), TSI ("Interopérabilité des systèmes distribués")
- Programme Committee Member of the conferences: CAINE'97, UML'99, UML'2000, UML'2001, ROOM'4, UML'2002, AFADL2003, UML'2004, FASE'2005, MODELS'2005, TQACBS'2005, CMDS'2005, IWICSS'2005, COEA'2005, TPSE'2005, TQACBS'2006, MDEIS'2006, EECC06, SEKE'2007, MISE'2007, SEKE'2008, ACES^MB'2008, UML&FM'2008, MODELS'2008, ICSSEA'2008, IDM'2009, MODELS'2009, MVV'2009, MODSE'2009, SAC'2010, CNRIUT'2010, MODELS'2010, SEKE'2010, QUATIC'2010, dMEMS'2010, MODELS'2010, ACES-MB'2010, SD4DRES'2010, DANCE'2010, MoBE-RTES'2010, ME'2010. SDL'2011, MODELS'2011, MODELS'2012, UML&FM'2011, UML&AADL'2011, CNRIUT'2011, ICECCS'2011, SEAA'2011, MoDRE'2011, DANCE'2011, SEKE'2011, ME'2011, S&D4RCES'2011, EA@AOSD'2011, APSEC'2011, ACES-MB'2011, QUATIC'2012, SAM'2012, ACES-MB'2012, MODRE'2012, ICECCS'2012, ME'2012