Professional activities

Current positions

Professional Committees

Administration boards

Jurys & Defense

  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HdR)
    1. Fabrice Peyrard (2008, Advisor)
    2. Iulian Ober (2010, Advisor)
    3. Ludovic Apvril (2012, Reviewer)
    4. Sébasstien Gérard (2013, Member)
  • Ph.D.
    1. Nicolas Belloir (UPPA, 2004, Advisor)
    2. Fabien Romeo (UPPA, 2006, Advisor)
    3. Stéphanie Gaudan (UPS/INSA, 2007, Reviewer)
    4. El Abassia Deba (UPS/IRIT, 2007, Reviewer)
    5. Fatou Kamara (U. de St Louis, Sénégal, 2008, Reviewer)
    6. Isabelle Perseil (ParisTech, 2009, Reviewer)
    7. Xavier Elcorobarrutia (U. of Mondragon, Spain, 2010, Reviewer)
    8. Damien Chapon (Paris Sud XI Orsay, 2010, Reviewer)
    9. Nafees Qamar (U. Grenoble, 2011, Reviewer)
    10. Nicolas Ferry (U. Nice, 2011, Reviewer)
    11. Séverine Sentilles (U. Malardalen, Sweden, 2012, Reviewer for the French administration)
    12. Jonathan Lasalle (U. Franche-Comté, 2012, Reviewer)
    13. Victor Noel (UPS/IRIT, 2012, Member)
    14. Mohammed-Lamine Boukhanoufa (U. Paris Sud/CEA, 2012, Reviewer)
    15. Florian Noyrit (U. Paris Sud/CEA, 2012, Reviewer)
    16. Matthieu Faure (U. Montpellier II, 2012, Reviewer)
    17. Marc Palyart (U. Toulouse/IRIT, 2012, Director)
    18. Jonathan Labéjof (U. Lille/INRIA ADAM, 2012, Reviewer)
    19. Mauricio Alferez (U. Lisbon, Portugal, 2012, Reviewer)
    20. Adel Ziani (U. of Toulouse/IRIT, 2013, Director)
    21. Manzoor Ahmad (U. of Toulouse/IRIT, 2013, Director)
    22. Faten Atigui (U. of Toulouse/IRIT, 2013, Member)
    23. Stéphanie Gatti (U. of Bordeaux/INRIA, 2014, Reviewer)
    24. Issa Papa Diallo (U. of Bretagne Ouest, ENSTA Brest, 2014, Reviewer)

Past activities

  • Adjunct director of the Master of Science ICE (formerly NTIE) from 2008 to 2013
  • Head of the Computer Science department of the Technological Institute (IUT) of Blagnac from 2009 to 2012
  • Head of the Computer Science department of UPPA (2007–2008)
  • Responsible of the 1st year of the Master Recherche et Professionnel TI (Technologie de l’Internet), UPPA 2004--2008
  • Responsible of industrials training periods of the 2nd year of the Master TI (Technologie de l’Internet), UPPA 2004--2007
  • Responsible of the Diplôme d’Université Stage d’informatique en Entreprise, UPPA 1998--2007
  • Responsible of the Tutorat d’accompagnement pour les DEUGs 1ere année, UPPA 1998--2008
  • Elected at the Conseil De Direction, LIUPPA 2006--2008
  • Elected Associate Professors representative at the Conseil Scientifique, UPPA 2004--2007
  • Elected Associate Professors representative at the Conseil d’UFR, UPPA 1999--2004
  • Elected Associate Professors representative at the Commission de Spécialiste 27-61ème section at UPPA (member of the bureau, elected Vice-Président MC) 2001--2004
  • Elected Ph.D. students representative at the Conseil Scientifique of IRIT 1994--1995
  • Member of the Comité de sélection 27-61 section, UTM 2012 (poste MCF)
  • Member of the Comité de sélection 27ème section, UTM 2012 (poste PR)
  • Member of the Comité de sélection 61-27 section, UTM 2012 (poste MCF)
  • Member of the Comité de sélection 27ème section, UPPA 2010 (poste MCF 0508)
  • Member of the Comité de sélection 61ème section, UPS 2010 (Poste MCF 1798)
  • Member of the Commission de Spécialiste 27ème section, UPS 2004--2008
  • Member of the Commission de Spécialiste 27ème section of the Université des Antilles-Guyane, 2001--2004
  • Member of the Conseil Scientifique et Pédagogique de l’IUFM d’Aquitaine, 2005--2007
  • Member of the Conseil d’Administration of the Centre Inter-universitaire de Calcul de Toulouse (CICT) 2001--2004