Students Supervising
Ph.D. students
- Jacob Geisel, 2011-2014, (Ph.D.,50% with Brahim Hamid). Subject: Méthodologie de conception et de mise en oeuvre au niveau système de la S&D pour les RCES dynamiquement reconfigurables. National Grant (contrat ED MITT).
- Motii Anas, 2014-2018, (Ph.D.,50% with Brahim Hamid). Subject: Analyse de sûreté de fonctionnement basée modèles. CEA LIST Industrial contract.
M.Sc. students
- Saïd Makkaoui, 2013-2014. Subject: "Animations de modèles UML/SysML". M.Sc. Informatique & Telecom.
- Marc Jeandot, 2012-2014. Subject: "Etudes, réalisations et maintenance d’applications web PHP et base de données Oracle". Thales Cryogénie SAS. M.Sc. ICE.
Open positions
- M.Sc. position at M2R IRIT in the topic of Modeling and validation of Standard Operating Procedures in the field of home assistance (with Iulian Ober)
- M.Sc. position at M2R IRIT in the topic of Models in an Agile Context (with JM Inglebert)
- Ph.D. positions: Gestion basée modèles des exigences de systèmes complexes adaptatifs
- Ph.D. positions: Méthodologie basée modèles de développement de Systèmes Ambiants Multi-Domaines
Past students
- Manzoor Ahmad, 2009-2013, (Ph.D.,80% with Nicolas Belloir). Subject: SPAS : un profil SysML pour les systèmes auto-adaptatifs. Pakistan national grant. Currently in ATER position at UPPA.
- Adel Ziani, 2009-2013, (Ph.D.,50% with Brahim Hamid). Subject: Hardware/Software Codesign of Distributed Real Time Ressource Constrained Embedded Systems - Contribution to the Study of some Paradigms (Synchronization, Communication, Dependability and Security). TERESA European project funding. Currently in postdoc at IRIT.
- Marc Palyart, 2009-2012, (Ph.D.,50% with Ileana Ober). Subject: Démarche et outils pour le développement d'Applications de Calculs SCIentifique Orientées Modèles. Industrial funding (CEA>/a>). He is now doing a postDoc at Vancouver, Canada.
- Fabien Romeo, 2002-2006, (Ph.D.,50% with Franck Barbier). Subject: Testing and management of mobile components. He is now Software Developer at Smart Trade Technologies
- Nicolas Belloir, 2001-2004, (Ph.D.,50% with Franck Barbier). Subject: Composition based on the Whole-Part relationship. He is now Associate Professor at UPPA
- Faiza Munir, 2011-2013. Subject: Software Product Lines contribution to Aspect-Oriented Modeling. Student from the Chalmers University, Goteborg, Sweden. Masters Program of Software Engineering and Technology.
- Jeremy Walczak, 2012-2013. Subject: Equipment Monitoring at France Telecom. M.Sc. ICE.
- Mathieu Danelon, 2011-2012. Subject: Web Services Monitoring at SOGECLAIR AEROSPACE SAS. M.Sc. ICE.
- Jérôme Abrieux, 2010-2011. Subject: Web Services Monitoring at CLS. M.Sc. ICE.
- Christelle Authier, 2009-2010. Subject: Web Services Monitoring at Thales Alenia Space. (M.Sc. ICE).
- Jérôme Mathieu, 2009-2010. Subject: High Performance Calculus on GPU at Thales Alenia Space. (M.Sc. ICE).
- Manzoor Ahmad, 2007-2009. Subject SPAS : un profil SysML pour les systèmes auto-adaptatifs. (M.Sc. Technologie de l'Internet, Pau).
- Natacha Hoang, 2005-2006. Subject Web Services pour les composants logiciels(M.Sc. Technologie de l'Internet, Pau).
- Pierre Lanusse, 1999-2000, (M.Sc.,50% with Abdelmalek Benzekri). Subject: Qos over CORBA.
- Charly Rohart, 1999-2000, (Ms.C.,50% with Abdelmalek Benzekri). Subject: Security over CORBA.