1. The SCRUM agile method

  • Scrum is an agile process dedicated to produce the most client value in the shortest time.

  • Working software is produced on every iteration (sprint)

  • The client provides priorities.

  • The team self-organize itself to better match client priorities

  • At the end of every sprint, everybody can check that the product runs (or not) and decide to deliver a release or not.

1.1. SCRUM roles

The actors in Scrum are:

The Product Owner

the client or its representative, who is part of the team

The SCRUM Master

an animator, not a manager

The Team

everybody else, without specific role

1.1.1. Product Owner

  • Define and is responsible of the product’s features

  • Choose the dates and content of the releases

  • Is responsible of the ROI return on investment

  • Define priorities in the product backlog

  • Ajust features and priorities at each sprint (if necessary)

  • Accept or reject results

1.1.2. SCRUM Master

  • Ensure the sustainability of the project

  • Help applying Scrum values and practices

  • Help resolving problems and fight impediments

  • Ensure that the team is fully functionnal and productive

  • Facilitate cooperation between team members

  • Protect the team from outside "noise"

1.1.3. SCRUM Team

  • 5 to 10 people, preferably fully dedicated to the project only

  • All roles and specialities together Architecture, design, coding, GIU, tests, etc.

  • Self-organize itself

  • Do not change during a sprint

1.2. The SCRUM process

scrum uk
  • Plannification of the following sprint

    • Selection of product backlog items that will be developed during the sprint

    • Definition of the tasks and of the sprint backlog

  • Daily SCRUM (15mn)

    • or "stand-up" meeting

    • what did I do yesterday ?

    • what will I do today ?

    • is there any particular problem ?

  • SPRINT review (15-30mn)

    • Presentation of the application to the team or invited people

    • team velocity measure

  • Retrospective meeting (15mn)

    • The team (including client) review its process

    • What went well: continued

    • What went wrong: let’s improve

  • Release planning

    • Define the items of the product backlog that will constitute the release(s)

    • Define the number of sprints and the dates of release

    • Done before first sprint by estimating team velocity (if unknown)

    • Updated at the end of each sprint

1.3. The SCRUM artifacts

Product backlog

list of User Stories ordered by (client) value

Sprint backlogs

list of tasks to be realized during the sprint to meet the selected features treated for this sprint

Project burndowns

graphical representation of the team progress

1.3.1. Product Backlog

  • Il est fourni par le Product Owner au démarrage du projet

  • Il est une liste ordonnée d’exigences (stories) classées selon leur importance métier

  • Le classement de chaque exigence pourra être révisé à chaque revue de sprint par le Product Owner

  • Des exigences pourront être ajoutées/retirées à chaque revue de sprint par le Product Owner

1.3.2. Sprint Backlog

  • Defined during the sprint planning

  • List of tasks corresponding to the selected User Stories treated during the sprint

  • Tasks are "weighted" (most often in hours)

  • Time estimation of each task is updated at each daily SCRUM

  • The definition of these tasks is a kind of collective design

1.3.3. Project Burndowns

  • The values of the product backlog items and the estimates of the sprint backlogs allow to draw a graphical representation of the progress of the project.

Sprint Burndown
  • Updated everyday

  • Show the remaining efforts

sprint burndown
Figure 1. Example of Sprint Burndown (source: http://www.scrum-institute.org)
the sprint burndown can grow if tasks are added or re-evaluated as more costly.
Product (or release) Burndown
  • Estimated at each end of sprint and concerns the remaining product backlog

Figure 2. Example of Product Burndown (source: http://www.scrum-institute.org)
the release backlog is always evolving, hence the curb is not necessary going always down

1.3.4. Indicators


quantity of the product backlog values realised by the team during the sprint


quantity of the product backlog values that will be realized at next sprint

The name "velocity" is missleading

