This part of the course is inspired by the Agile MOOC from Bertrand Meyer.
2. 17 authors
Famous ones:
Ward Cunningham (Wiki)
Kent Beck (XP, JUnit)
Ken Schwaber et Jeff Sutherland (Scrum)
Alistair Cockburn
Martin Fowler
3. The 12 principles
You will find an update version of the principles on Wikipedia:
Customer satisfaction by early and continuous delivery of valuable software
Welcome changing requirements, even in late development
Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months)
Close, daily cooperation between business people and developers
Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted
Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location)
Working software is the principal measure of progress
Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design
Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of work not done - is essential
Best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams
Regularly, the team reflects on how to become more effective, and adjusts accordingly
4. The agile values
General ideas that precede the principles.
From the manifesto itself:
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
Do not forget the quote that goes with: while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
From the Agile MOOC:
New, reduced role for manager
No "Big Upfront" steps
Iterative development
Limited, negociated scope
Focus on quality, achieved through testing
5. The principles
Several types:
Organizational / Managerial
5.1. Good NON AGILE principles!
Process, procedure and methods
Insist on requirements and their quality
5.2. Organizational principles
Put the customer at the centre
Accept change
Let the team self-organize
Maintain a sustainable pace
5.3. More Organizational principles
Produce "minimalist" software
Develop required features
and only those
develop only code and tests
YAGNI: You Ain’t Gonna Need It |
5.4. More Organizational principles: the LEAN view
7 waste of software dev. (M. Poppendieck): - Overproduction: extra/unused features - Inventory: partially developed work not released - Extra processing: unused artifacts - Motion: seeking information - Defects: escaped defects not caugth by tests - Waiting - Transportation: handoffs
5.5. Technical principles
Develop iteratively
Frequent working iterations
Closed-window rule
Treat tests as a key resource
All tests must pass (regression)
Test first (TDD)
Express requirements through scenarios
User stories
6. Roles
What happens to the manager?
Scrum Roles
Product Owner
SCRUM Master
Other roles
In Scrum ⇒ no manager! |
6.1. The (self-organizing) Team
Specialists but no specific domain
Cross-functional: anyone able to take any task
Select the major goals for the iteration
Assign tasks
Demonstrate results
6.2. Product Owner
Interface with the Customer
Defines the product features
Prioritizes features
Allows release presentation
6.3. Scrum master
makes sure that the team properly applies the methodology
ensures that the team is functional
enables cooperation
protect the team
helping remove impediments
7. Practices
Plannings & management
Meetings & Scrums
Development & releases
7.1. Plannings & managements
Planning poker
Scrum of Scrums
7.2. Meetings
Daily meetings
"Stand-up" (<15')
Everybody participate
Planning meetings
Sprint Backlog
Retrospective meeetings
What went right?
What could be improved?
Review meetings
Customers involved
7.3. Focus on the Daily meeting
The 3 classical questions:
What did you do yesterday?
What will you do today?
Are there any impediments in your way?
7.4. Development
Pair programming
Single code base (vs. branching)
Shared code
Leave optimization till last
Simple design
Incremental design
7.5. Release
Early and often
Continuous Integration
Small, Incremental
Weekly cycles
7.6. Tests
Coding standards
Systematic Unit Tests
8. Artifacts
Product Backlog
User stories
Sprint Backlog
8.1. Product Backlog
Property of the Product Owner
Maintained throughout the project
Contains backlog items
Includes estimates of business value
Includes estimates of dev. effort
8.2. User stories
- As a
- I want to
- So that
Good features (XP ⇒ INVEST):
Independent (from other stories)
Valuable (for the stakeholders)
Client priority
Cost estimation (points, time, …)
Formulation "As a …"
Organizing Stories as matrix instead of simple list: Story Mapping.
Must, Should, Could, Wont ⇒ MoSCoW
Another way of presenting: by flow (dependencies between stories)
8.3. Storyboard
8.4. Velocity
Not progess over time |
Number of items delivered
Burndown chart
8.5. Sprint Backlog
Group of User Stories, taken from the Product Backlog and treated in a specific sprint.
8.6. Burndown