This course is dedicated to my lost friend Jean-Michel Inglebert…
1. Projects management
1.1. What is a project ?
[…] a project is an individual or collaborative enterprise, possibly involving research or design, that is carefully planned, usually by the project assigned team, to achieve a particular aim
1.2. Some facts…
Start: was are the client needs expressed ?
list of expected features,
scenarios, use cases
End: when is the result product due ?
Avoid to answer : yesterday! (Otherwise it’s not a project anymore, but a rescue plan)
1.3. … and in between ?
- Option 1
do your best by your own (like in 'DO the sales')
- Option 2
run a process (like in '(RE)DO your passport')
- Option 3
use project management techniques
1.4. How project management is doing so far …
Out of 10, 7 projects are delivered late or never !
Programmez! journal
Possible reasons:
client expectations are vague
over-estimation of available resources
latency at the beginning
modification and updates get lost
overbooked teams
lost of knowledge during the project
risks are badly evaluated
meetings are not productive
In any case, it’s the development team fault.
1.5. Why is it so hard ?
It should not be so hard:
The goal and target are well known (provided by the client)
The target satisfaction is often measurable (assessment)
The problem
There is no systematic method that can garanty that a project team will meet its goals. |
Why ?
Because it requires to manage a domain complexity, a technical complexity and a human complexity, at the same time, with limited resources (time, money, …) |
In fact, the only predictable fact is :
it will be required to adapt!
1.6. What is a successfull project ?
A software project will end successfully if the team delivers an application that is reliable, robust and maintenable that meet the client expectations and need. |
- reliable
behave as expected in the expected conditions
- robust
handle traffic, user mistakes, failures, etc.
- maintenable
require few efforts to evolve
2. To produce applications
3. Methods
3.1. Waterfall and V Cycle
The V cycle adopts:
Cascading descending phases for analysis and design
Followed by an ascending for coding, tests and integration.
In these kind of projects success means being able to go through the ascending branch of the 'V' successfully. |
If project stops…
If project is late…
To summarize:
Cartesian way of reducing complexity
Test plans are produced in descending phases
Tests plans are veryfied during ascending phases
Well known limitations
3.2. From V cycles to W ones
3.2.1. Let’s consider a trivial example
Develop a web application capable of collecting and displaying URLs.
Cycle 0
Setup of the integration infrastructure
Chosen solution:
Development langage:
Infrastructure :
Cycle 1
Display the collected URLs
Chosen solution:
The server stores a urls table
Web page is returned using
and displays urls as a list
Cycle 2
To collect urls
Chosen solution:
Web page propose a form to enter new urls
3.2.2. Overall process
3.2.3. Well known benefits
Complete the sentence we’ve seen before:
A software project will end successfully if the team delivers an application that is reliable, robust and maintenable that meet the client expectations and need.
When it does not work ?
New problems
3.3. V versus W
3.4. What is important
Plan (more or less) next actions
Do as planned
Regularly evaluate progress towards the target
3.5. Evaluate progress towards the target
An important artifact to assess progress: tests!
Whatever the methodology, the project should address 'unit testing' and 'integration testing'. |
You should